Cheers, to me!
I'm so selfish. I could end there, but it's probably better that I explain why I'm saying it. Partly because I am, but this passed week I celebrated my 3rd wedding anniversary - and the reality of the selfishness that I posses was really magnified.
As I took some time to reflect on the years I have spent as Mrs.Wright I began to see all the things I was actually doing wrong. I was excited to celebrate our anniversary and I had even made up potential date ideas in my head. In doing that I realized I really haven't been living up to the vows I once recited, all I could think of was how my love language could be met and how it was possibily neglected. The question I then had to ask myself is how was I meeting the love language of my husband? And did I care to even do so or was I too caught up in myself. Having a creative mind can sometimes get me in trouble . I create all these scenarios in my head and when they aren't fulfilled I find myself somewhat disappointed. Disappointed in my own fantasy of life instead of enjoying the reality. Not only had I failed to enjoy the moments as they arrived, I failed to look outside my own wants. Which brings me back to what getting married is all about. Sacrificing your own wants to consider someone else's, joining and partnering with another being to be better, caring, compassionate, thoughtful, patient, selfless. Removing the majority of "I's" to replace them with we.
I'm definitely going to work on that in this year to come ..
We have so much to look forward to and I can't wait.
Cheers, to us.